Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The me

Yes, my title says it all. I am boring. I stay home on the weekends and clean and watch TV. In the mornings I get up and get everyone ready and out the door so I can get ready within the 30 minutes I have left of the morning before rushing out the door. 

From there, I am at work all day!

Where I sit slaving at the computer, wading through countless piles of paper and files. Putting up with the monotony of the work and day. The bright spot to my day is being able to work with my best friend and a great boss. The only downside is the monotony and the fact that for some reason on Wednesdays, I find myself nodding off at my desk a gazillion times! So, at the end of the work day I pack up my things and leave for my second job. 

Yes, my second job. This above is my second job because the only thing that I get help with is the laundry! No one sweeps or makes sure the dog didn't create monstrous hairball under the sofa. No one makes sure all the animals are fed and happily walked and bathed. No one cooks for me when I don't feel like it. No, I do all of that. Then it is time for my third shift! 

Yes, soccer mom to boot! I shuffle the kids around and make sure they get here and there. (Their games are important for their social skills, etc.) The youngest actually plays soccer while the oldest plays softball. That sport is the one I understand. And since it is so close to being college baseball...

which I thoroughly enjoy. I can enjoy sitting through this one. But Ole Miss baseball starts in February and ends in June. (At least college baseball does...) And I enjoy this sport more than any other. That subject is another post. 

After I get done with the soccer and softball games, supper has to be started. Those nights are a late supper night and I am glad the sport seasons for the girls are short. So after all that running around and cooking, I am exhausted and have to deal with my husband. Who might I add is not very exciting on an exciting day. But I have to deal with propositions that I am too tired to deal with. So he gets shot down regularly...poor guy. No wonder he is grumpy! More about that later too!

You might ask: "Why are you saying you are boring? Your life doesn't sound boring." 

Well- I am. I don't have time to hang out with friends. I don't have time to go fishing or watch the news. I have nothing to contribute to normal conversations because of this. I sit like a bump on a log on the rare occasions that we do entertain because I know nothing. Useless facts, yes. I could kick your butt playing Trivial Pursuit! But to have a discussion on world politics, pop culture, etc. you would find me a bore. I have opinions, yes. But I couldn't tell you who is running for president this year aside from Obama! 

I admit, I am no dummy. I have no time to catch up on the important stuff. I can DVR my favorite shows, but sometimes I don't get to see them for two weeks! Sad but true. 

The bottom line is, I am bored with my life. Restless, if you shall. I'm not suicidal, more fed up with the path of my life professionally and a little personally. There has to be more out there, but where do I start?


  1. I think my life is pretty boring too. Blogging is a great way to get your thoughts out and work through them. Good job!!

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging!! :-D

    You're not boring hun, I know it can feel like that at times, but I think it mainly stems from lack of stimulation in your life. You're feeling stuck in a rut that doesn't seem to be changing, it's the same thing day in day out. This is what is boring in your mind, not YOU!!

    I think I'm extremely boring... have no idea why any of you follow me... seriously!! I agree with Becka, writing blogs is a good way to clear your mind of stuff that would otherwise stay in your head or on your shoulders... and effectively do your napper (head) in!! xx

  3. You don't sound boring to me. You sound overwhelmed. Is there any way you can enlist your husband and children to help out around the house more (folding laundry, making lunches, etc.) so you can carve out some time for yourself?
